Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Tetrameles nudiflora
Source:     Release time :2017-09-15


Tetrameles nudiflora at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical garden (XTBG) (By Zhu Renbin)

Tetrameles nudiflora is a large deciduous tree with a thin crown growing from 25 - 50 metres tall. The long, cylindrical bole is often deeply fluted with large buttresses up to 7 metres tall and 4 metres wide. It can be free of branches for up to 35 metres and up to 2 metres in diameter


. The tree has large, spreading surface roots.
A very large timber tree, but the wood is of poor quality. The tree is sometimes planted as an ornamental in parks and other large areas.
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