Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Photo show held to celebrate International Museum Day
Source:     Release time :2023-05-19

A photo show is ongoing at the Tropical Forest Ethnic Culture Museum of Xishaungbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) from May 18, the International Museum Day.  

Under the theme of Biodiversity makes our life better, the photo show displays photos of distinctive plants, birds, spiders, insects, reptiles, and amphibians found in the garden. It aims to raise awareness of biodiversity conservation , knowing its significance in our world, and enjoy beauty of diverse life forms. 

XTBG is home to 13,000 plant species, and is the largest tropical botanical garden in China. Numerous creatures have been found in the garden. Up to now, 63 mammal species, 315 bird records, 45 reptile species, 27 amphibian species, and more than 1,000 spider species have been recorded in the garden.  

The theme of the International Museum Day 2023 is Museums, Sustainability, and Well-being. Every year, on the 18th of May since 1978, the international museum community comes together to connect with the public and shine a spotlight on the vital role of museums in serving society and fostering its development. 


Tacca chantrieri 


Etlingera elatior 

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